tamu dari jepang
>> minggu (27/8), awalnya hanya pembicaraan melalui via telepon namun pembicaraan tsb
mengarah kepada undangan ke kediaman IKMI di Guro. >> merupakan suatu kehormatan utk IKMI-Korea coz kedatangan sepasang suami isteri yg juga merupakan guru besar dari Bunkyo University di negara matahari terbit tsb. >> mereka adalah sahabat lama mantan pembina
IKMI-Korea Mr. Yuny Erwanto. >> misi kedatangan mereka utk mengadakan penelitian terhadap umat muslim secara global dlm menciptakan perdamaian dunia khususnya masyarakat Indonesia yg ada di korea ini. >> pd kesempatan tsb Prof. Nakamura Hisako berkenan utk memberikan sedikit kata sambutan kepada para jamaah musholla guro. >> dlm sambutannya, beliau sangat kagum dgn umat muslim di dunia khususnya di Indonesia, en kekagumannya tsb telah menepis anggapan bahwa
umat muslim merupakan PUSAT TERORIS seperti apa yg di propagandakan AS en sekutunya, "kata Profesor yg fasih dlm berbahasa Indonesia ini. >> Profesor yg dikenal di kalangan beberapa dosen di salah satu universitas terkenal di Indonesia ini, didampingi oleh salah satu muridnya dari universitas di Jepang yg berasal dari Korea Selatan. >> dlm kunjungan singkat tsb, kedatangan tamu kita ini telah membawa kesan yg dlm terhadap para jamaah musholla guro. >> terima kasih kepada tamu kita ini, selamat jalan dan wujudkan cita-cita dunia.

Hi i'm Jonathan from Canada! I like your site! I will come again!
I like the music on your page! :)
I invit you and all your visitors to come visit mine, I want a lot of visitors! I never have a visitor from your country and I hope you will come see me and let me a little word in my guestbook! I will be very happy about that!
come at: www.jo82lesportif.piczo.com
you are WELCOME BYE! from Jo!
thank's alot for Jonathan in Canada, u are very friendly. Don't worry we'll come to ur site and we like to be ur friends
Hi i'm Jonathan from www.jo82lesportif.piczo.com in Canada! :)
Thanks for your visit on my website and for your nice little words in my message board! :)
I was happy when I read it! :) And I laugh when I read you invite me to play football if I come in your country! :)) Ha Ha I think it's very faraway South corea! :)
But I will practice a lot, and when I will be a man, I will go play in your team! :) Ha Ha
I will give to you my first autograph! ;0))))))
Ha Ha you are very funny and I think you are very good persons!
I had make a link on my website, and my visitors will come visite you too! is it ok?
ok I need to go,tomorow I have school! :( I start today!
But you are welcome on my site when you want! it's my pleasure to receive you in my little world in Quebec Canada.
I'm happy to have friends in South Corea! You are very COOL!!! :)
Bye Bye from JO!
If you come again, put your little « icon on my worldmap » just beside my message board!
with it, all my visitors will have a link to come visit you in your website too! It’s fun!
ok now I go sleep! :) Bye! JO